Results for 'Edwin W. Moore'

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  1.  25
    Drive level as a factor in distribution of responses in fixed-interval reinforcement.Bernard Weiss & Edwin W. Moore - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (2):82.
  2.  45
    Exploring implicit and explicit aspects of sense of agency.P. C. Fletcher J. W. Moore, D. Middleton, P. Haggard - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (4):1748.
    Sense of agency refers to the sense of initiating and controlling actions in order to influence events in the outside world. Recently, a distinction between implicit and explicit aspects of sense of agency has been proposed, analogous to distinctions found in other areas of cognition, notably learning. However, there is yet no strong evidence supporting separable implicit and explicit components of sense of agency. The so-called ‘Perruchet paradigm’ offers one of the few convincing demonstrations of separable implicit and explicit learning (...)
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  3. Hermann Lotze. Erster Teil : das Leben und die Entstehung der Schriften nach den Briefen. Mit Bildnis.R. Falckenberg, Edwin Proctor Robins & Vida F. Moore - 1902 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 54:314-317.
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  4. Life and thought.W. Moore Schrodinger & P. K. Hoch - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (4):419-419.
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    VIII.—Symposium: Is the “Concrete Universal” The True Type of Universality?J. W. Scott, G. E. Moore, H. Wildon Carr & G. Dawes Hicks - 1920 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 20 (1):125-156.
  6. The Digital Phoenix (V. Hardcastle).T. W. Burnam & J. H. Moor - 2000 - Philosophical Books 41 (1):43-45.
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  7. Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality.Michael W. Hoffman & Jennifer Mills Moore - 1984 - Journal of Business Ethics 3 (3):184-206.
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  8. The Beginning of the Gospel.T. W. Manson & R. W. Moore - 1950
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    Bimodal Presentation Speeds up Auditory Processing and Slows Down Visual Processing.Christopher W. Robinson, Robert L. Moore & Thomas A. Crook - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:395363.
    Many situations require the simultaneous processing of auditory and visual information, however, stimuli presented to one sensory modality can sometimes interfere with processing in a second sensory modality (i.e., modality dominance). The current study further investigated modality dominance by examining how task demands and bimodal presentation affect speeded auditory and visual discriminations. Participants in the current study had to quickly determine if two words, two pictures, or two word-picture pairings were the same or different, and we manipulated task demands across (...)
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    Chinese.Paul W. Kroll & Oliver Moore - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (3):532.
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    Differential classical and avoidance eyelid conditioning.Dominic W. Massaro & John W. Moore - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (2):151.
  12.  40
    Conditioned inhibition of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response.Horace G. Marchant, Frederick W. Mis & John W. Moore - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (2):408.
  13.  84
    Mindfulness starts with the body: somatosensory attention and top-down modulation of cortical alpha rhythms in mindfulness meditation.Catherine E. Kerr, Matthew D. Sacchet, Sara W. Lazar, Christopher I. Moore & Stephanie R. Jones - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  14. On Saying and Showing: A. W. Moore.A. W. Moore - 1987 - Philosophy 62 (242):473 - 497.
    This essay constitutes an attempt to probe the very idea of a saying/showing distinction of the kind that Wittgenstein advances in the Tractatus—to say what such a distinction consists in, to say what philosophical work it has to do, and to say how we might be justified in drawing such a distinction. Towards the end of the essay the discussion is related to Wittgenstein’s later work. It is argued that we can profitably see this work in such a way that (...)
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    A Pilot Study of Behavioral, Physiological, and Subjective Responses to Varying Mental Effort Requirements in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.Gabry W. Mies, Pieter Moors, Edmund J. Sonuga-Barke, Saskia van der Oord, Jan R. Wiersema, Anouk Scheres, Jurgen Lemiere & Marina Danckaerts - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Putting a positive spin on ethics teaching.Marion G. Ben-Jacob, Nancy L. Jones, Robert W. Brock, Kathleen H. Moore, Paul Ndebele & Lehana Thabane - 2018 - International Journal of Ethics Education 3 (2):125-133.
    Scientific endeavor is the pursuit of knowledge with the aim of advancing the welfare of all human beings. This endeavor is built on the ideology of science; thus, society relies on the integrity of the practice of science and of scientists themselves. The responsible conduct of research is the essence of good science; however, many of the pedagogical approaches used to instill integrity in science accentuate the negative rather than exemplify ideal professionalism. This paper makes an argument for the inculcation (...)
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  17.  41
    Etymologies.Edwin W. Fav - 1907 - Classical Quarterly 1 (04):279-.
    This verb is of quite general signification in Plautus ‘facit, reddit, comparat,’ and the like. Minuter definitions are given by the glossists, e.g. συνκᾱττúει ‘sews together’ , arte facit aut componit, conflectit; cf. also concinnatura κόλλσις . In view of Latin ciet ‘moves, stirs, shakes; excites, rouses; causes, occasions,’ and of Greek κινεȋ ‘sets in motion, moves, removes; changes, alters, sets agoing, causes, calls forth,’ we might define concinnat by ‘moves, draws, puts together, joins.’.
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  18.  46
    A Stylistic Value of the Parenthetic Purpose-Clause.Edwin W. Fay - 1897 - The Classical Review 11 (07):346-.
  19.  55
    (2 other versions)Contested Etymologies.Edwin W. Fay - 1897 - The Classical Review 11 (01):12-15.
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    Criteria of Etymological Reasoning: ζανίς.Edwin W. Fay - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (04):229-.
    Sirs,—In response to your request I have been excerpting for your Summaries the last—itself a summary—instalment of Glotta, VI. I find there so much belittling censure of my own studies that I am prompted to ask the privilege of a few words with your readers on the criteria of belief in etymology.
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  21.  39
    Dreams, the Swelling Moon, the sun.Edwin W. Fay - 1917 - Classical Quarterly 11 (04):212-.
    I. The etymologies susceptible to simple phonetic formulation and semantically obvious have, for the most part, been discovered long ago. But I cannot say semantically obvious without recording my conviction that semantic science is still in swaddling clothes. Readers of the Classical Quarterly will, I trust, find the following derivations interesting, as well as clear and semantically obvious.
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  22.  33
    Etymologies and Derivations.Edwin W. Fay - 1914 - Classical Quarterly 8 (01):50-.
    I. In Skr. medín we have an Indo-Iranian -in derivative of a proethnic start-form met-sdos ‘co-sedens,’ whose initial s may have been lost by haplology, but cf. Av. mat ‘μετά.’ Homeric xs1F02oζoς ‘attendant’ is a like compound, meaning co-sedens and not ‘mitgänger’ , but has suffered psilosis. Out of composition, unless the ‘suffix’ conceals a posterius, we may have a further cognate in Lat. sodalis ‘boon-companion,’ wherein sodā- may have meant something like ‘session’.
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    Etymological Notes.Edwin W. Fay - 1898 - The Classical Review 12 (01):17-20.
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  24.  35
    Greek and Latin Word Studies.Edwin W. Fay - 1907 - Classical Quarterly 1 (01):13-.
    Cicero, in his letters , writes the following sentence : memini in senatu disertum consularem ita eloqui: ‘hanc culpam maiorem an illam dicam?’ potuit obscenius? ‘non’ inquis ; ‘non enim ita sensit’ Wherein does the coarseness lie? Critics find in lam dicam a word ‘ landicam,’ which they define by ‘clitoris’. But possibly culpam is, whether by equivoque or by definition, the offending word.
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  25.  43
    Greek BAΣI-ΛEΓΣ.Edwin W. Fay - 1911 - Classical Quarterly 5 (02):119-.
    In analyzing S0009838800019480_inline1 for composition I start in the most obvious way with S0009838800019480_inline2 in the sense of ‘gang’ , while S0009838800019480_inline3 must be a root-noun from *lew-s, and is perhaps immediately cognate with Skr. lu-nati ‘caedit.’1 This analysis makes S0009838800019480_inline4 mean something like ‘ uiam-muniens,’ i.e. a sort of ‘ ponti-fex.’ I think more particularly of the sacrificial leader, the S0009838800019480_inline5, the Rex Sacrificulus, who, while he may have been concerned with the making of ways on earth, also made (...)
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  26.  51
    Indo-european Initial Variants Dy- (Z-)/ Y-/D-.Edwin W. Fay - 1915 - Classical Quarterly 9 (02):104-.
    The following paper will undertake to demonstrate an I.E. root dyu ‘iungere,’ and its synonymous correlatives dyem/dyā , dyā-t-/dyat dyes/dyō[u]s.
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  27.  34
    Latin Cortina Pot: Cortex Bark.Edwin W. Fay - 1897 - The Classical Review 11 (06):298-300.
  28.  18
    (1 other version)Latin Word Studies.Edwin W. Fay - 1909 - Classical Quarterly 3 (4):272-278.
    I. Latin interpres, miles etc. and the confix -et-, ‘errans,’ cf. -etum ‘allee.’In Am. Jr. Phil. 28, 413 I derived the suffix in Gothic fram-aps ‘alienus’, Latin com-et- ‘socius– and Greek τ ‘comites’ from the root et- ‘errare, ire’; and I proposed the name ‘confix’ for a suffix whose origin could be traced back to an original compounding element. I now find further evidence for the confix -et- in Latin interpret-, ‘go-between’; and I explain pr-et- as a fusion-product of the (...)
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  29.  31
    Note on Menaechmi 182 sq.Edwin W. Fay - 1896 - The Classical Review 10 (01):30-31.
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    Note on Plautus, Truculentus 252.Edwin W. Fay - 1896 - The Classical Review 10 (03):155-156.
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    Partial Obliquity in Questions of Retort.Edwin W. Fay - 1897 - The Classical Review 11 (07):344-345.
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  32.  36
    Quis For Aliquis.Edwin W. Fay - 1898 - The Classical Review 12 (06):296-299.
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  33.  42
    Syntax and Etymology: The Impersonals of Emotion.Edwin W. Fay - 1917 - Classical Quarterly 11 (02):88-.
    The present essay, reposing on phenomena of derivation and semantics, will attempt to establish a more objective basis for the syntax of the impersonals. As a matter of syntax, the subject is of vital interest for the living Germanic tongues, and with these the essay begins. It will continue with a discussion of the phenomena of the Latin impersonals, and seek, by the help of living English usage, to establish upon a correct psychological basis the definition and derivation of the (...)
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    Syntax and Etymology.Edwin W. Fay - 1913 - Classical Quarterly 7 (03):202-.
    In the school study of syntax the results of etymology, however highly they may be valued in theory, are in effect neglected. I called attention to this, and specifically to the construction of credo with the dative, in an article in the Classical Quarterly, v. 193.
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  35.  48
    Scipionic Forgeries.Edwin W. Fay - 1920 - Classical Quarterly 14 (3-4):163-.
    Latin ‘plvs.’—To begin somewhat remotely, I am not satisfied with the current explanation of Lat. plus. As regards pleores, to pass over Cuny's mistaken derivation in MSL. 16. 322, the explanation from plēyōses is correct— IE. plēyo. : plēyos–:: Sk. návya: compv. návyas, cf. pánya: pányas and távya: távyas. IE. plēyes also appears, not only in Sanskrit as prắyas and in πλε–ων , but, by a quite rigorous phonetic, in O.Norse fleiri, from a primate flaiz-an (...))
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    Sundry Greek Compounds and Blended Words and Suffixes.Edwin W. Fay - 1906 - The Classical Review 20 (05):253-256.
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    (1 other version)Some Italic Etymologies and Interpretations.Edwin W. Fay - 1899 - The Classical Review 13 (08):396-400.
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  38.  65
    Studies of Latin Words in - cinio-, cinia-.Edwin W. Fay - 1904 - The Classical Review 18 (06):303-307.
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    Studies of Latin Words in - cinio-, - cinia-.Edwin W. Fay - 1904 - The Classical Review 18 (7):349-351.
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  40.  48
    The Latin Dative: Nomenclature and Classification.Edwin W. Fay - 1911 - Classical Quarterly 5 (03):185-.
    It must have been shortly after I entered college in my middle ̓teens that I first heard of the grammatical doctrine that psychological opposites take the same construction. As a mnemonic, alone, the doctrine is immensely worth while and practically helps with categories like —which rouses a literary interest by recalling Thackeray's use of different to as a counter term to equal to, similar to, like to. And, to get back to grammar, for English folk it clarifies prope ab to (...)
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  41.  32
    The Latin Passive Infinitive in -I-ER: Infitias Ire.Edwin W. Fay - 1896 - The Classical Review 10 (04):183-184.
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    The Phonetics of Mr- in Latin.Edwin W. Fay - 1919 - Classical Quarterly 13 (1):37-40.
    A. The Vestine Inscription with brat. T. Vetio | duno | didet | Herclo | Iovio | brat. | data. 1. This inscription, most easily consulted in Diehl's Alt-lat. Inschriften, No. 70, has been explained, beyond any reasonable doubt, by von Planta as follows: ‘ The entire inscription is accordingly to be rendered thus: T. Vettius donum dat Herculi Iouio; merito data, sc. est or sunt, according as the votive offering was feminine singular or neuter plural.’ The very abbreviation of (...)
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  43.  39
    The Vedic hapax susisvi-s.Edwin W. Fay - 1912 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 32 (4):391.
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    The conditional analysis of 'can': Goldman's 'reductio' of Lehrer.Edwin W. McCann - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 28 (6):437 - 441.
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    Music and trauma: the relationship between music, personality, and coping style.Sandra Garrido, Felicity A. Baker, Jane W. Davidson, Grace Moore & Steve Wasserman - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  46. The hypothalamus: an overview of regulatory systems.J. P. Card, L. W. Swanson & R. Y. Moore - 1999 - In M. J. Zigmond & F. E. Bloom, Fundamental Neuroscience. pp. 1013--1026.
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  47. Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Vol. I, 1857-1866.Charles S. Peirce, Max H. Fisch, Christian J. W. Kloesel, Edward C. Moore, Don D. Roberts & Lynn A. Ziegler - 1983 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 19 (1):63-83.
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  48.  10
    Collected Works Of Addison W. Moore.Addison Webster Moore & John R. Shook - 2002 - Thoemmes.
    After John Dewey, Addison W. Moore was recognized as the chief spokesman for the instrumentalist version of pragmatism. Never before available, this complete collection of Moore's work contains dozens of philosophical articles, essays, book reviews, writings by other philosophers, and reviews of his work, together with his book, Pragmatism and its Critics (1910).
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  49. Intentional binding and the sense of agency: a review.James W. Moore & Sukhvinder S. Obhi - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):546-561.
    It is nearly 10 years since Patrick Haggard and colleagues first reported the ‘intentional binding’ effect . The intentional binding effect refers to the subjective compression of the temporal interval between a voluntary action and its external sensory consequence. Since the first report, considerable interest has been generated and a fascinating array of studies has accumulated. Much of the interest in intentional binding comes from the promise to shed light on human agency. In this review we survey studies on intentional (...)
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  50.  66
    Doric Dialects Les Dialectes Doriens, Phonétique et Morphologic. Thèse d'Agrégation presentée á la Faculté de Philosophic et Lettres de l'Université de Bruxelles, par Émile Boisacq, Docteur en Philosophie et Lettres. Paris, Érnest Thorin, 1891. 220 pages. Der Dialekt Megaras, und der Megarischen Colonien Friedrich von Köppner.—Besondere Abdruck aus dem achtzehnten Supplementbande der 'Jahrbücher für classische Philologie.' Leipzig, Teubner, 1891. Pp. 530–563. 1 Mk. [REVIEW]Edwin W. Fay - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (1-2):58-62.
    Les Dialectes Doriens, Phonétique et Morphologic. Thèse d'Agrégation presentée á la Faculté de Philosophic et Lettres de l'Université de Bruxelles, par Émile Boisacq, Docteur en Philosophie et Lettres. Paris, Érnest Thorin, 1891. 220 pages.Der Dialekt Megaras, und der Megarischen Colonien Friedrich von Köppner.—Besondere Abdruck aus dem achtzehnten Supplementbande der ‘Jahrbücher für classische Philologie.’ Leipzig, Teubner, 1891. Pp. 530–563. 1 Mk.
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